A trustworthy and potent mono-crystalline solar panel, the Tier 1 Jinko Solar 475W Mono Solar Panel can be utilized to power your house or place of business. The Jinko 475W solar panels are a fantastic method to harness the power of the sun..
General Information Model Number: JKM475M-7RL3-V Cell Type: Half Cell, Mono Crystalline Number of Cells: 156(278)
• Junction Box: IP68 • Glass: Single Glass 3.2mm AR Coated Tempered • Connector: MC4
Electrical Parameters at STC Maximum Power Voltage (Vmp): 43.38VDC Maximum Rated Power (Pmax): 475W
10.95A is the maximum power current, and 52.24VDC is the open circuit voltage.
11.77A for the short circuit current (Isc) and 21.16% for the module efficiency.
Operating Conditions Operating Temperature: -40°C to 85°C Maximum System Voltage: 1500VDC Maximum Series Fuse: 20A
Ratings for safety IEC 61215, IEC 61730
Experience a Brighter Tomorrow with Solar Panels!
Jinko Solar Panel 475W Tier 1 - brochure